Katie Hill




My favorite book(s) is Frog and Toad, because my dad read them to me when I was a kid and I love all of the stories to this day. I also love frogs and toads, and the colors yellow and green because of these stories!
My secret talent is that I have a wacky memory to quote random lines from my favorite movies and tv shows!
What I absolutely love about teaching is how I connect with my students. I love watching them learn and grow as people, and I feel honored to be a part of their school journey. Teaching is the greatest job in the world, and I love how much I learn from my students everyday.
My favorite subject to teach is Math, and I get so excited to talk about it especially at the Elementary level! Math wasn’t always my favorite, and as a result I felt like it wasn’t for me. Once I started learning how to teach Math, I saw how interactive, flexible, engaging, and logical it could be, and it all started to click! Math is for everyone, and every student’s success in math looks different, and watching them find that success in themselves is why it is my favorite subject to teach.