Willow PTA

Willow Parent Teacher Association (PTA) 

The Willow PTA provides support for our children and the community through educational and social programs, parent outreach, and community involvement. 

  1. Supporting Education & Social Programs: The PTA actively supports the educational initiatives of the school. We work closely with school leadership to support teachers in the classroom. Our Room Parent program allows parents to volunteer their time to support teachers and plan student celebrations. The PTA provides real-life experiences for students such as Project Comfort & Joy and campus cleanup events. 
  2. Community Involvement: The PTA encourages and facilitates a strong community through numerous events including Back-to-School night, movie night, Trunk-or-Treat, and Field Day. The Willow sponsorship program encourages community involvement from local businesses. Learn more below. 
  3. Parent Outreach: The PTA provides a platform for parents to connect and support one another. There are numerous ways for parents to volunteer in the classroom or for a community event. 

For more information, visit our website: willowpta.wordpress.com 

PTA Meetings: Meetings are held monthly either on Zoom or at Willow. 

PTA Membership/Volunteer Opportunities: We rely solely on volunteers, and we can always use new volunteers to contribute ideas and help plan and execute events. Fill out the Volunteer form here or contact willowptacommunication@gmail.com for more information. 

PTA Board Members

Co-Presidents, Kim Berry & Rachel Green 

Vice President: Nikki Winchester

Secretary: Tara Gallagher

Treasurer: Jamie Nelson

Sponsorships: Liz Prutch 

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Learn how your business can become a Willow Sponsor today! 

Willow Elementary School relies on the generous support from our local community to make it the great school that it is. Thank you to all the corporate sponsors past and present who have donated. We hope you will consider being a corporate sponsor for this school year and continue to make Willow Elementary great!

To become a corporate sponsor, please contact WillowPTAsponsporship@gmail.com