Liz (Elizabeth) Myers

1st Grade

Myers headshot


1st Grade

What is your favorite childhood book?

My favorite childhood book is the Harry Potter series. I have such fond memories of reading the books with my family over and over again. I believe these books made me fall in love with reading!

What is your secret talent?

My secret talent is that I am musical I grew up playing the piano, clarinet, and singing. I minored in music in college to keep up my skills; it is a very relaxing outlet for me.

Who was your favorite teacher in Elementary School and Why?

My favorite teacher was my K/1 teacher, Mrs.Quatrone. She was so kind and patient. She undeniably helped me begin my love for learning!

What is your favorite thing about teaching?

My favorite thing about teaching is getting to know all of my students and watching them grow. We spend so much time together over the year, it is amazing how much each child can achieve!

What is your favorite subject to teach and why?

If I had to choose, my favorite subject to teach would be reading. I love to help my students gain the skills and confidence necessary to begin their own love for reading!

What is your favorite part of being a part of the Willow family?

My favorite thing about being a part of the Willow community is the positivity. I love coming to work every day and being with my colleges, students, and families that have a positive and energetic attitude! They make my role as a teacher so enjoyable!